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Center for Teaching and Learning, Nanjing University

Nanjing University is one of the leading research-oriented universities in China. Known for its outstanding research, the university also strives for excellence in teaching and learning. Starting from 2009, undergraduate education reform has been implemented on campus, and Center for Teaching and Learning was set up to facilitate the reform.

As an academic service provider, the Center is committed to the enhancement of the faculty teaching and the improvement of the quality of the student learning experience. It operates by integrating the university’s abundant excellent teaching resources and research facilities. The main activities include holding orientations for new faculty, conducting workshops on teaching skills and practices, arranging classroom observations, and offering individual consultations for those seeking to improve their teaching effectiveness. Besides, it provides funding for research on teaching at the university. In collaboration with academics, educators and administrators from schools, departments and offices across the university, the Center regularly organizes conferences and symposiums on approaches to teaching and learning, curriculum reform, e-Learning, pedagogy, educational assessment and other important issues.

In 2012 the Center entered top 30 exemplary centers for teaching and learning in China designated by the Ministry of Education, China. 

Contact Us
C509 SHAO Yifu Building
Xianlin Campus
Nanjing University 
Nanjing 210023, China
Phone: 0086-(0)25-89681130
Fax: 0086-(0)25-89681132
Email: jsfz@nju.edu.cn